Right here, right now

A wise person in my life told me yesterday, the best way to find out who I really am, is to concentrate on being present in the moment. I need to take note of the things that I am drawn to and feel strongly about. If I can live like this, something will crop up that will help me in knowing the direction I want to take (not the one I feel like I should take, but the one I truly want to take).

So, I have a new mantra………………… RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW. This is something I am going to say to myself when I feel my brain floating away to somewhere not in the present moment. Yes, I run the risk of having the Fat boy Slim song stuck in my head constantly but that is ok, if it reminds me to be present in the moment.

I tried it yesterday morning while walking home from swimming. I saw the most amazing rainbow. It was a full one right across the sky, strong and vibrant in colour. I think it was a sign! It made me wonder how many others had taken that moment to appreciate such a natural and beautiful thing (aside from children who are masters at living in the moment).

This way of living is particularly important to me at the moment with the most amazing trip coming up. I know I have fallen into a trap before of spending so much time while traveling, planning and thinking about what we are doing next and what we might miss if I am not organised. I have never thought about what I might be missing by not taking the time to see the small things.

This trip is going to be about slowing down and appreciating the details…………. like that bird in Central Park, or the amazing lake in Canada and especially the grandness of Niagara Falls. Wow, how lucky am I? Now I am getting excited………………………. about the trip and about what I might find living in the present.


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